Monday, October 25, 2010

Myths about fat chicks

"They try harder" because they are desperate
So, let's say that you have a woman the size of a Buick, I can guarantee that there are at least a hundred men in a square mile of her who would want sex with her, and at least a third of them, openly and without the influence of alcohol. Many of them will even engage in an actual relationship. They have no reason to "try harder". Fat chicks have more options than your average good-looking guy.

They eat all the time
Usually they are self-conscious about it until they get comfortable with you, assuming that excessive eating is why they are fat in the first place. This is not always the case.

They have hygiene issues
No more so than any other chick. Hygiene issues tend to be about youth. Younger (single) women are more likely to have issues in this area.

They are insecure
Not entirely a myth, but less so than popular culture would have you believe. Many consciously make the choice between meeting the contemporary idea of beauty, and enjoying food. There are many men who still want to date them, so they can have the best of both worlds. The confidence issues are largely related local culture.

They are "loose"
"Loose" physically if you get my drift. This may be so if they have had children, but that can be the case with women of any size. This is purely a psychological issue for men, a problem of perception. Size in one area does not indicate size in another, any more than all fat guys are well-endowed.

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